

Experience the perfect fusion of romance and sophistication with our red roses and Oriental lily bouquet. Each bloom is carefully selected, creating a mesmerizing arrangement that captures the essence of love. Whether as a gift or for your own enjoyment, this bouquet adds a touch of timeless beauty to any occasion. Delivered in pristine condition, it’s a gesture that speaks volumes. Order now to elevate your floral experience.

Please note:
Flowers and containers(if applicable) may vary depending on seasonal availability and stock. Substitutions may be made but the overall appearance of the arrangements will be inspired by the shown photo. Please allow at least 4 hours for same-day delivery.

None Glass Cylinder $25 +$25.00 Ceramic Vase $35 +$35.00
None Metro 270g $40 +$40.00 Madison 400g $50 +$50.00
None Bianco 35% White Chocolate $15 +$15.00 Soleo 42% Milk Chocolate $15 +$15.00 Blanc de Caramel 42% Caramelised Chocolate (with Sea Salt) $15 +$15.00 Amphora 65% Dark Chocolate $15 +$15.00 Cuvée Wine Connoisseurs Collection Set of 3 $45 +$45.00
None Heart Bear 19cm $25 +$25.00 XL Bear 60cm $150 +$150.00